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I’ve recently updated my resume.

It had been several years since I put a significant amount of thought into it.

I decided that it would be wise to solicit some help. I met with a mentor I had been paired with through the DC ad club’s career catalyst program two years ago. He had some great advice.

  1. Stick to one page “I have had a lot more jobs than you and my resume is only one page.”
  2. Keep the most important stuff at the top “Most people will only get about eight lines deep into your resume, don’t bury the most impressive accomplishments in the middle”
  3. Order skills according to their relevance to the job you are applying for
  4. Just because it is a resume, doesn’t mean best marketing practices should be thrown out “Use your knowledge as a marketer. Keep it short and simple. Approach it like you would create a email, because that is about as much attention your resume is going to get”.

I took his feedback to heart and have since completed the update. I’d love your feedback, please take a look and let me know your thoughts.

Click here to view the old resume.

Click here to view my updated resume.




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