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Experience is Everything

By October 22, 2013Customer Service

Who answers the phones at your company?

More often than not, you’ll find the people on the front lines usually have the least amount of training. Sure your website looks great, your content and marketing automation systems are awesome, but when you get someone on the phone… the romance comes to a quick halt.

The people in your organization are part of your company’s marketing experience too.

Are people polite? Responsive? Do they respond to customer’s email’s quickly? At my current firm, my boss always touts giving customer’s the Disney experience. It’s often why they work with us, because it’s easier and more pleasant than working with their own internal marketing resources.

People want to be treated like people and have a good experience. We all work too much to have business relationships that add extra stress. I’ll admit it, in the marketing world, there is always a chance to hit a little turbulence on any given project, but if you continue to under promise and over deliver, your customers will continue to come back and show you the love.

I love the new Discover “IT” card campaign which has people who are almost twins talking to each other… I doubt that Discover walks the walk like this Netflix customer support tech. I don’t have a Discover card to test the theory, so let me know if I’m wrong folks!

Imagine if your last call to the cable company or your utility company was this pleasant? I think we would all live five years longer!

I secretly (but not really) hope that something goes wrong during my next Netflix binge and I can have a fun chat like the one below (Quite possibly the best customer service experience ever).




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